Sunday, June 25, 2006

A pastor wrote about using the Hyper-Concordance when he's traveling and unable to connect to the Internet. Since it's just a bunch of static HTML files (well, a BIG bunch: about 4500) with relative hyperlinks, it's no problem, as long as you've got enough space for your own local copy.

If you're interested too, then:

  1. Download the data (15Mb .zip file: this may take awhile on slower connections)
  2. Unzip it somewhere: you'll need about 80 Mb of disk space
  3. Open the local version of the home page (/wherever_you_put_it/hyperconc-home.html) in a web browser, and you should be in business. You'll need Javascript enabled to get Size By Frequency/Size Equally behavior.

Now if i could just figure out how to work around IE's CSS problems so it looked better ...

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